Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Where are the important issues for consumers in consumer behavior research?

This excellent comment on consumer behavior research is from Max Bazerman's Journal of Consumer Research article, Consumer Research for Consumers (2001): "As a professor of decision making and negotiation, I often receive unsolicited phone calls from relatives. friends, and acquaintances seeking my advice on consumer matters such as negotiating for a house, bidding on eBay. and investing in the stock market. While the callers' questions cover wide territory, all of them are looking for guidance on how to make more rational consumption decisions. Those who know me will not be surprised to learn that I have strong opinions on these issues, many of them informed by research on decision making and negotiation. As I reviewed the Journal of Consumer Research (JCR) to write this article, I expected to find that consumer decision-making research grappled with the types of tough purchasing and investment decisions that were on my callers' minds. To my surprise, I found that this literature has been largely silent regarding many of consumers' most important buying episodes."

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